Wholesome Recipes for Mindful Living
What-is-in-the-fridge salad
You can make Kimchi - Really.
Spicy cauliflower over rice - addictive without MSG
Gourmet kimchi rice
Refreshing seaweed cucumber soup
Simple curry that slows down aging
Stir-fried rice cakes: a toothsome snack
Pad Thai at home: let's talk about the sauce
Korean sweet potato noodles with assorted vegetables: my friends' favorite potluck dish
Refreshing Seafood Tom Yum Soup
A Speedy Recipe for Multi-grain Bread that Powers You Through a Day
Versatile Zucchini Stir-fry
Spicy and sweet buckwheat noodle salad for a hot summer day
Guilt-free oatmeal cookies with banana chocolate raisin walnuts
Hi There
I have put together here simple, healthy, and delicious recipes that use mostly whole grains and vegetables.
You can also find science-backed ideas that promote our well-being.
Please share your thoughts on these recipes and ideas so that we can build a mindful community around us!
I also invite you to connect with me on the following social media.